With Connecticut allergies running for about 8 months consecutively, it's likely that those with sinusitis are having to deal with extra inflammation, especially in the more triggering months.
Taylor Borane, Chief Operations Officer of National Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers, said that Kathryn Giunta, nurse practitioner at CT ENT Sinus Center, received the Extreme Ownership Award at this year's National Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers Clinical Educational Convention.
Beginning July 6th, Danbury Public Works Department will be conducting road construction on Highland Ave, Durbin St, Blaine St, Whaley St, and French St. This construction will not result in road closings, however, there is the possibility of travel restrictions during this work period.
On July 06, Mayor Dean Esposito, Economic Development Director Shay Nagarsheth and the City of Danbury announced that the second round of the ARPA Small Business Assistance Program (SBAP) will open on July 1, 2023, and conclude on August 31, 2023.
On May 26, 2023 the pictured dark colored SUV, possibly green, was involved in a motor vehicle accident with injuries at the intersection of Downs Street and Main Street.
The City of Danbury is accepting applications for funding under its 2023 Community Development Block Grant Program for projects which assist low/moderate income families and individuals, eliminate slum and blight conditions or meet urgent needs which affect public health and safety within the City.