Recent News About None-----
Annual Holiday Tree Lighting
Tolland Annual Holiday Tree Lighting Set for Saturday, December 3, 2022
Stuff A Cruiser Toy Drive
Stuff-A-Cruiser, the Connecticut State Police Toy and Gift Collection, will be held on Saturday, December 3, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the Tolland Green.
Sam Peck Eagle Scout Project - Crandall Gazebo
A Tolland Scout by the name of Sam Peck is raising money (Go Fund Me) for his Eagle Project (through the Town of Tolland Veterans Recognition Commission) that will begin in May of 2023. His Eagle Project will focus on repairing the Gazebo that is located on Cider Mill Road at Crandall Park and is near the Lion's Baseball Field.
DOT Project - Route 140
The Connecticut Department of Transportation will be holding a virtual public information meeting on December 6, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. to provide the community an opportunity to learn about a project to improve the substandard roadway geometry along the section of Crystal Lake Road (Route 140) between Laurel Road and Teaberry Ridge Road.
No Trash Pick-Up Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 24, 2022)
There will be no Trash pick-up on Thursday, November 24, 2022 (Thanksgiving Day).
National Novel Writing Mon
November is National Novel Writing Month.
Tree Lighting on the Green
Tree Lighting on the Green
Building Dept. CLOSED Nov 23rd
The Building & Land Use Department will be closed Wednesday, November 23.
Conservation Commission Site Inspection-5 Main St.
Conservation Commission Site Inspection-5 Main St.
Live Virtual Program: Dining with the Roosevelts
Please Note: This is a virtual program via Zoom.
Friends of the Bethel Public Library Annual Holiday Sale
The Friends of the Bethel Public Library's popular annual sale will feature holiday-themed items, including books, CDs, DVDs, decorations, stocking stuffers, and even some “attic treasures” and jewelry - all at prices perfect for gift-giving and without the hassle of Black Friday at the department stores!
Speedcubing Club
Come join us to learn all about speedcubing! Beginners and experienced cubers are all welcome.
After-School Thanksgiving Storytime
Learn how the Pilgrims and Native Americans shared the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621.
Teen Video Games
Bring your friends and play video games at the library! Have fun!
Wiggle Storytime
Shake your sillies out with this fun storytime! Sing, dance, jump, and read with us! This program is intended for children ages 1-4.
Food Explorers: Chopped!
Join Food Explorers for a “Chopped” inspired cooking class!
The Ridgefield Woman's Club 50th Annual Craft Fair
The members of the Ridgefield Woman's Club are pleased to confirm that we expect to hold our popular Craft Fair on November 19th.
Tween Project Lab
Learn something new about technology and use your new skills to experiment on your own!
CEDF Webinar Series: How to Buy a Business
Join us for the sixth event in our Community Economic Development Fund (CEDF) webinar series for small business owners.
Application for Holiday Craft Fair Vendors Closes
Kick-off the holiday season at the Danbury Library’s Holiday Craft Fair from 10am – 2pm.